Ranting The sequel

So I was bored in the office on Friday morning with nothing to do and was thinking about the morning shout-outs I had with my mom (shoot, I just hate it when I got shouted in the morning, it kinda ruined the whole "I'm still sleepy" mood and reminded me of all of the war-zone in the office that I have to face each day). Then I did my emails, waiting for my patients who managed to find something else much more interesting than health check-up, and I read some articles about Olympic (which opens tonight by the by), and one book excerpt caught my eyes, it was "The Late Bloomer's Revolution" by Amy Cohen.
Prior to anything, my shout-outs with my mom has nothing to do with the content of my rantings today. It just so happen that my ranting talks about a book with mother-daughter relationship in it.
As you know me, I don't like reading novels as they are thick, with no interesting pictures for me to see (I'm a lazy visual person, I love to imagine when the view is there, not when I have to re-create, it kills all the imagination, you see, because I think to view something from a person's point of view is beautiful. Or if you want to say I'm lazy, I agreed totally).
Enough about me,... so this book by Ms Cohen (or the excerpt) is interesting, it's a personal takes on "late bloomers" or unmarried woman in marriagge-able age. It shows a loving relationship between a mother and a daughter. The lead is almost 30 years old, has dated several guys in her twenties but when it comes to marriage, she was said to be "like a house that's not new and need more working on, house that needs hard renovation" or as some real agent might said it to be “could be a gem if you’re willing to do an enormous, exhausting amount of work.” I love authors who know how to twist and create analogies with their words. (In another turn she wrote: " Which made me think of the Shakespeare sonnet “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” Then I thought of what Shakespeare might have said about me. “And this one to a humid night in Newark") Brilliantly witty way of laughing at oneself.
But during a mother-daughter travelling to Prague, she found out that she isn't the only one waiting for her prince-charming, her mother is as well. I love the way the mother never lose hope on the daughter and seems to be cheering to the fact that she actually needs someone original that will love her forever and the mother is willing to wait forever to meet that special person.
So I was thinking, how many mothers will be willing to do that? most of the mothers I know started to shove their daughters (or in some cases, sons) to anybody else that they met during luncheon with friends or a tete-a-tete with relatives. Why do they do that? Well, I know they are concerned and that they would love to be grandmothers, and they just wants the children to be happy. But by doing those things, will the children be happy? O certainly, you said. But won't it be much more happier when you know you meet someone because you meet someone, not because it was arranged. It just more romantic that way, I think. It has that certain of ohh--ahh--ness to the whole situation. The notion of arranged causes me to think that the other party might be forced to go as well, so won't it be a little unfair?. I guess it's different prespective, different view with each individuals. I am a cynical person so I just see everything from a negative light.
And..I know my mom like the back of my hand, I can read her mind before even she realized it (even when she denies it saying that she knows us more than we know her), to this whole point, she will say "We don't force, we don't sell like salesman, you know, we just help to create the opportunity" Well, opportunity is not created, it will never work the same when you create it, that's why it's called opportunity, something that happens suddenly to the benefit of those who meet it. If it was created, it's called creation. Or can I say, plan? (just like when you are sentenced to jail for murdering something, the judge will give you less sentencing if you happened to HAD the opportunity, but not when you PLANNED the whole murdering scenario and carried it out).
"I know life is confusing that way, that's why wear your seatbelts"
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