Save the best for last..
I know I will lose one more motivation to come to work starting next week, 16 April 2008. My love, Chai Yean will be leaving our company to become SIA Girl. I totally happy for her when I heard the news. I know that she will be one of the best girl flying and she will bring lots of positive effects on the passenger with her friendly and bubbly personality. It's just that..I will miss her so damn lot... After most of our compariots fell to the attack of resignation's bombs, Chai Yean is one of the few where I could always seek for comfort when my days were totally stupid and/or crazy. Those who have never appreciated her in her department are like people losing the diamond in front of their eyes. Or should I say,.. the diamond is there but the people are too ignorant (a polite way of saying, Stupid) to see and thought that the diamonds are rock-sugar?.Oi Hellow.. rock-sugar is not shining you know, it's only S$1.50 per packet.. so and be the sparkling diamond inside that A380, k? I pray for your very best always.
The lesson that I learned came from one of our mutual colleague, Susan, she told me and Yean, "You know, you (as in Chai Yean) are one of the colleague that I will truly miss when you're gone" I thought about her words and I thought it was beautiful (ok I'm wierd)..the meaning is beautiful, it means that you are actually gaining something more from your work. You are gaining blessings and prayers. This is the example of when bad people leave:( this is a fact, i've heard it in my company) "Walau, that stupid idiot, its better that she just dropped dead" or when its your last day, your department celebrates by opening a bottle of champagne, then you know you have actually accomplished something unimportant. I know some people who doesn't really give damn about this thing, but memories last a lifetime. Just think about it, you are forever be remembered as your very best, (as in sweet-natured, respectful to people, nice, helpful, honest, diligent, kind, etc) people will automatically wish and pray for the very best when they remember you. I don't want to know what people wish you when you're opposite from all of the above. Anytime in my life, I want to be remembered as the best I could be. I want people to remember me with a smile and laughter rather that curses.
Which bring me to: my newly finished dorama: "Ashita No Kita Yoshio" starring Fumiyo Kohinata, Ryuhei Matsuda, Manami Konishi, Chiaki Kuriyam
a and Jun Kaname (who is very hot in suits, even though the director didn't even let him change his suits, it remained in the same colors till the very end of the drama, only when the last episode he wore a faded stripped grey instead of the usual plain dull grey). The story about a man, who felt that he is the unluckiest guy in the whole world, who decided to kill himself on his best-friend's death anniversary. Only 11 days left till his scheduled suicide's attempt and during this 11 days, he met up with people who would not only change his life but also had their lives changed by him. For more synopsis, please visit:,_Kita_Yoshio.

WARNING: For those who loves Full presentation of Boy-bands' casts, i strongly advise please avoid (except of Jun Kaname, the other casts are not your usual Bishounen, except if you prefer A-pek to Hideaki Takizawa), not that the picture helps. Those with the love for action, sacarine sweet romantic flicks, high-school romance or fairy-tale endings as well as manga insipred doramas, should also think twice in watching this.
"Ashita.." started off, and remained slow pace until the very last episodes and the only thing that actually made the movie bear-able to watch is the ability of Kohinata-san in bringing Kita Yoshio to the audiences and to pierce your heart with sympathy for him, whether to advise him to just kill himself on the spot or not to kill himself. The casts did a really good job and blended together well, even though some of the characters were not really well-developed or exposed. The ending focused only on Kita Yoshio and left out all the other characters which is the only flaw the dorama made (other than the slow pace of the story)
What I found interesting in this dorama is that: "You might think that you are the unluckiest person in the world but when you might be the lucky charm for somebody else, which in the end makes you the luckiest person in the whole world, because you have people that will cherish you forever"
I received a comment today yay!! Luv you Jeng (^ <-> ^) !! Thanks for the comment. At least I know someone is reading.. T_T (tears of joy :) ) Dear Jeng: I really is thinking of jumping to another ship. Should I just swim to another ship because it felt so near but looked so far?
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