My Bestfriend's Wedding..
The moment I wake up

My prayer for both of you, my love for both of you, for now and forever I pray for your happiness and your future and for your loves to continue to burn for each other and that in everything that you do, your loves and the love for The Father come first.
Before I put on my makeup
I say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair, now,
And wondering what dress to wear,
Now, I say a little prayer for you...
- Diana King's Say A Little Pray For You-
That's exactly what I did on Saturday 6th December 2008.
It was my best friend's wedding. I was a little late to the Holy Matrimony so I missed the time when she walked the virgin road. But I was there when they promised to be together now and forever, then their first kiss in front of the Father and when they pronounced them "man and wife". And when the
y walked together as the new Mr and Mrs Fajar, she
realized that I was there and then I saw her smile, the same smile that has been there since we became best friend almost a decade ago...but now it's brighter...and I think I knew the answer...she has found The One. Isn't she lovely? It's true that true love make a lady even prettier and a man much more mature.
I thought my vision got blurred a little when I said "Congratulations" and gave her a peck on her cheeks.
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