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Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

I am honored to be given this life by the Lord. What I am till now, is still in the process of becoming the very best version of me

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Something before sleeping

Oh Dear.. seems that I really really am lagging in this race with time..

First of all, I am still in a stage where no future career plan is in sight. I don't really know what I actually want in my life, what I really want to do, what actually is a passion for me.

Second of all, the last time I checked, people around me are either getting engaged or getting married. And I thought my mom, and now my dad is in tow as well, is paranoid.

Sigh..I don't want to sound like a desperate lady with no future goal or no love life. But probably I should start to really worry, I think.

Anyway, have you ever felt like you are bound to have a big adventure in your life but that moment has yet to come? Well, I have been living in that concept since I was 16. I should say I was a big romantic, day-dreamer, miracle-beliveing kind of girl. I always thought that things would come my way eventually and if yesterday was a bad day, tomorrow would be a whole new wonderful day and that my knight in shining armor will come and rescue me and bring me to that adventure. Now, as I grow older and older, I am a cynical, logical, no-nonsense, and unromantic bitch. Or sourpuss as my sisters called me. I wonder what actually changed me? I don't think that my life was worse compared to some other girls. I am actually living a normal life. Or is it because of that normality ?

Trust me, I am still searching for that answer, and I surely am not bragging how pathetic or sad or lonely or negative my life is. Like I said, I am just living a normal life. I am grateful for this normality. It's just that sometimes, somewhere in that small corner of my heart, I am still hoping that some miracles will happen to a normal girl like me.

For all ladies who are waiting to see that happen in their lives. Raise your right hand. We are still a normal, but romantic ladies after all. :)


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