My Batman Review
Its 10.00 Am in the morning now. The weather is quiet nice with some black clouds over Singapore. I hope it won't rain as heavy as yesterday.
After dinner yesterday, I suddenly have this sore throat and I am feeling a little bit woozie, I don't know why. But sickness tends to come unexpected. Especially when you're working in a hospital. I think I shouldn't walk around the premise today for the risk of getting another virus in attacking my immune system. Should have taken the orange juice yesterday. Or should I sleep in the office during lunch hour today.
I managed to catch "The Dark Knight" last weekend (in what my sis said to be "Batman mood") with my sis and cousins. I rate the movie, 8.5/10.00 (or 4 1/2 popcorns in Channel News Asia style). All of the casts did a great job, the chemistry of the casts is great, and the story didn't feel choppy or forced people to accept how great the characters are. But kudos have to be given to Batman and Joker. The synopsis is a clear super-hero movie, with super-bad villians, actions, big cars, loud guns and all of the others. Like normal super-hero, Batman has his romance with the lead lady and has rival in getting the lady's heart. (because super-heroes are also a great men and the theory, "behind every great man is a lady" applies to all of them) Just like, Spidey and Superman and the other heroes. While the equally charming rival thriving on getting the lady's heart (Aaron's Harvey Dent is convincing, charismatic and optimistic that you can clearly see it in his eyes), I think most of the audiences in the cinema, male or female, were actually charmed by Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne and his potrayal of Batman. No big ho-has on how much he is willing to die for the leading lady but in every actions and words, viewers can actually feel it. Just one kiss between the main lead and the leading lady through out the film but it's enough to explain why Batman never willing to marry any other girl. Action-wise, he is a wonderful crime-fighter with a bit of rowdy side. He punched, threw, kicked, schemed, and terrorized people with mafia/Hongkong Triad style but never once in the viewers' opinion was Batman is cruel, bad, or sadistic because he didn't kill people who copy-cat his style and didn't even raise his voice when people accused him of being a bad-guy. Speaking of voices, I like the way Bruce's/Batman's voice changes as soon as he changes his suits. True enough, people can actually differentiate your voices even when you are hiding your face behind a mask ("Hello, Spiderman speaking "Peter, is that you?, why are you answering Spidey's cell-phone)" Please excuse The Hulk, he can't talk when he is angry. This Batman speaks with a raspy voice that tends to sound like a growling tiger when he is angry and the voice becomes husky low when Bruce is talking to people around him. Sexy idea. I didn't like Christian Bale as Batman in "Batman Begins", (because he kind of changed my whole idea about Batman, (come on, the transition from Michael Keaton to Val Kilmer to George Clooney is kind of enough). I watched this movie solely because of Heath Ledger but in the course of the movie, I found out that this Batman is cooler, more sensitive, and more romantic than other Batmans that came before him. So I slapped myself and installed new Batman image on my mind. Christian Bale IS Batman. (It might take another sexy idea to change my image now)
Speaking of Heath Ledger's Joker, he was cruel, psyco-path, sadistic, scary, people worst-nightmare, but funny at the same time. His performance was captivating and the moment he came into the screen, people just straightened up their backs because chills run through their spines. He made it clear that he didn't play on any rules and he did everything just to make sure that he had the entertainment on other people's lives accounts. Joker also changed his voices on certain sections. He speaks in a dark, chilling and mocking way when he is serious but speaks in a low voice when he isn't. I guess, the mocking way of speaking is a way to show the world that he is actually mocking at the world and its people, not only Gotham. He WAS that scary. (The fact that he died after this role adds to the scariness that Joker carries). I like the part where Joker proudly presented the 2 ships going to be blown away on midnight to Batman, and like the expression that he carries looking at the results. This is the best of Heath Ledger's role. It was a pity because he was capable of all of these intriquing roles but instead he wasted some of his abilities on the likes of A Knight's Tale, Four Feathers which didn't really show the world what he was capable of. Heath's potrayal of Joker, in my opinion, is better than Jack Nicholson's. Much better. From the slanting of his shoulders to the way he walks and the way he licks his lips, eveything shows the psychotic sides of Joker. He became Joker and Joker became him.
Well in the end, I did enjoy the movie a lot, when I told my friend about the movie, she said that the movie was great but was tiring because after that she was left to think again about the movie and the whole thing. But then again, I think great movie is the one that made you think about it again and again and doesn't go off when you try hard to shake it off from your head. (even when you are supposed to do your work but ended up googling it on your computer). After all, it's great to be able to train your mind a little more critical about things with only S$ 10.50 (if you buy the ticket via online).
After dinner yesterday, I suddenly have this sore throat and I am feeling a little bit woozie, I don't know why. But sickness tends to come unexpected. Especially when you're working in a hospital. I think I shouldn't walk around the premise today for the risk of getting another virus in attacking my immune system. Should have taken the orange juice yesterday. Or should I sleep in the office during lunch hour today.

Well in the end, I did enjoy the movie a lot, when I told my friend about the movie, she said that the movie was great but was tiring because after that she was left to think again about the movie and the whole thing. But then again, I think great movie is the one that made you think about it again and again and doesn't go off when you try hard to shake it off from your head. (even when you are supposed to do your work but ended up googling it on your computer). After all, it's great to be able to train your mind a little more critical about things with only S$ 10.50 (if you buy the ticket via online).