The Blog of Total Randomness

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Location: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

I am honored to be given this life by the Lord. What I am till now, is still in the process of becoming the very best version of me

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Its Monday!!!!

Oh no!! What has happened to New Kids on The Block?? Have you checked out their new video. where they danced around with couple of girls that look as young as their daughters, and tried to look sexy with that glossy body of an uncle? Oh no!! It was quiet a shock! I always think that they are the type of boyband who mellow down after years of experience. Don't understand why they chose RnB/HipHop approach to their new albums, they should do jazz/ballads, even going back to pop is ok. It will suit them best.

Well enough about NKOTB. I was surprised today when I came in to office, my sweet friend has given me a huge bear!!!!! I totally loved it!!!! (thank you very very much, Wendy!!!! I will never ever give the bear away). I was so happy that I could feel that my eyes are blurring but I tried to blink so fast that the tears bubble all got absorbed by my eye lids :)
It's just the right amount of sweetness that's enough to make my monday blues turned into sweet blueberrys monday. \(^__^)/

My dad bought me an iPhone last weekend for my birthday present. ( ^__^)v. I was a bit reluctant to use iPhone as I am not familiar with anything starting with an "i-". I don't have an i-pod let alone use i-tunes to listen to my audio files on my laptop (I use winamp and media player, they are much more easier to understand).
Nevertheless, as a technology whore (now I realized where I got that genes from), I went along with my dad's persuasion to use the iPhone. I still find it hard to manuver though, I can't really understand why it can't allow me to take video with the camera (even though I don't really use the feature, the average number of video that I took while using my sony-ericsson, was 0, I still think it's part of the package though), it can't allow me to forward any messages, so whatever is sent to a person will only be sent to that particular person, you have to re-type the same message to other people.(Fine, we could just call them or email them about the message, forwarding is no longer optional if you are not working) But the thing that really make me almost jumped is that it couldn't transfer any files via bluetooth!!!!! The bluetooth only works for the headset, but not for transferal of anything!! What has I got myself into?
Another thing is that I couldn't use my favorite ringtone as the ringtone, can anybody help me on this? I am dying to use my CHEMISTRY song!! I can only pick up calls with that ringtones.

But.. but.. the slender look of the phone, the mirror-like display, the touch screen feature, the phone+ipod, and most importantly the Wi-Fi feature won me over. My friend told me that once I mastered the art of iTunes I will stop whining and will not even want to be parted from the phone even if I was put into a lion's cage. Well, I will take time to study more about the phone, in a meanwhile, I will let my cousin do the testing and teach me more about the phone :)

Ok, its almost the ending of my service at Raffles Hospital, the countdown now is 4 days. Its now time to walk with faith. During this economic downturn, lets hope I could get a decent job with a decent pay :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Annoying list.

50 Little things that actually can annoy you during you sucky day.

1. When you wake up and realizes that its raining.
2. When you wake up and realizes that you are late.
3. When you almost killed yourself crossing the street (assuming you jaywalk), and the bus just drives away in front of your nose. (even more painful to the heart, if you could see that stupid bus driver uncle smirk, looking at you.)
4. When the red light never turns green but the bus is approaching the bus-stop.
5. When your train stuck at a station because of technical problem.
6. When the person sitting besides you in the bus, blasting away his/her techno songs like he/she is the only one on board (don't you just feel like you want to choke that stupid phone to his/her throat?)
7. When you arrive in the office sweaty.
8. When you just want to have a nice cup of coffee or tea to start your day, then you realize that the budget for your department has been cut off and no more complimentary beverages given.
9. When your boss decided (just to make things worst) to have another department meeting after office hour. On Friday night.
10. When your colleague just chuck another things to you because she/he said she/he needs to go take care of her/his broken nails.
11. When your office internet is down but the unforgiving customer/client/patient keep on calling every 5 minutes for you to check on his/her proposal that he/she sent via email last night. (They can't re-send via fax as their fax machines are down.)
12. When you forget to save your presentation but only realize it when you are in the meeting room.
13. When suddenly out of no where, a bunch of kids come to the office, (apparently they are the children of your client) and started to have a screaming competition. (The parents just love the kids voices, or their hearing has been impaired for excessive exposure to high pitch and high level of volumes).
14. When you are going to the top floor (rushing) by lift and the lift just stopped at every single level.
15. When you are going to the top floor (rushing) and this stupid little kid (with a deceiving cute face) pressed all of the floors button.
16. When that stupid little kid mom just smile and look up to you and say "isn't he/she adorable?" (yes, too adorable that I would like to put him/her on a swing and swing him/her to the next building. Without any safety belt or safety net).
17. When you are in a lift with a person who forgot to take his/her shower. Or simply has some problem with BO.
18. When your lift jammed and the lights went out.
19. When you're going out for lunch and your phone rings. Your client is on the way (he/she is over 3 hours late and didn't even bother to call before coming.)
20. When your pants/skirts tear right down in the middle when you bend to pick up some loose documents. (I know, I know, time to lose some pounds.)
21. When someone call-in asking for other department. When you tell him/her the right number to call back, he/she screams at you because he/she thought that he/she is king/queen. Just they are just plainly idiotic.
22. When you just realize that tomorrow is your annual leave, but then your boss sms-ed you saying you need to come back because not enough man power.
23. When your favorite handphone charm dropped from your phone without any particular reasons.
24. When someone commented that you are putting on weight.
25. When you are happily munching on your french fries but your lunch partner starts to strain all of the french fries excess oil with her/his tissue papers.
26. When your order tastes like it has been re-heated 1000 times.
27. When your favorite colleague told you she/he is leaving the company.
28. When a colleague screams at you for no reason. (the reason is she might be a bitch in the first place, but hey, I forgive but hard to forget).
29. When someone lied to you. And you found out about it but couldn't do anything because everybody else trusted him/her.
30. When your favorite top got stained from the Laksa that you ate during lunch hour but you didn't realize it until much later.
31. When your shoe-sole changes to "crocodile mouth".
32. When somebody called your direct line and thinking that it's an operator. ("Can you connect me to bla bla or to such and such?")
33. When your boss gives all of the nasty job to you because she is too busy forwarding not so important mails.
34. When your boss pretends to be busy when she/he actually is browsing through online shopping.
35. When you still have to smile to a full-of-nonsense people even though you are so pipping hot inside.
36. When your office air-con is malfunctioning and starting to blow hot air.
37. When you are having some quiet time in the loo and somebody called to ask for stupid questions.
38. When you are turning off your computer then someone called asking you to check your email because he/she just send another important emails.
39. When your boss suddenly give you additional task 5 minutes before your off time.
40. When you get splash by the road side water when you wait for the bus.
41. When your umbrella just fails to close when you are in the bus, subjecting you to become a total humiliating object.
42. When you are cramping in a totally full bus/train and the person next to you keeps on shoving you with his/her bag/back-pack/plastic bags.
43. When you are about to enjoy the songs in your mp3-phone but realized that the battery is flat.
44. When some of these youngsters trying to be funny by playing push-me-because-i'm-cute in a fully packed train/bus.
45. Same thing happens when a lovey-dovey couple starts their public display of affection in a fully packed bus/train. It's working days, people. Stop groping each other. Or you could at least do it in some private places, geez.
46. When you have to act nice to people after work. (Please understand that we are human, too. We can be nasty as well.)
47.When you are about to surf the net at home but realized that your internet connection is down.
48. When you are about to watch your favorite drama on tv but your parents want to watch the 10.30 news.
49. When some clients call you at 11.00 PM just to ask if you're going to be in the office the next day.
50. When you are trying to sleep but you can't because you're thinking about the amount of job for tomorrow.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

50 things..

50 little things that actually can make your day a little bit better (when it has been quiet bad) .. Uhh I always loveeee lists...

1. Finding out that your boss is on MC. (in a good kind of way, not that we cursed the boss for any serious illness, flu or allergic reaction to shrimp should be enough).
2. Finding out that your boss is on half day.
3. Finding out that your boss is on a company’s retreat/events and will not be back to office till next Monday.
4. Having lunch with your friends who enjoy good food. (When they keep on ordering and you keep your portion so at least you will feel that you're the less eater in the group)
5. Having a good cup of hot tea/coffee, sharing stupid clients'/ patients'/ customers' stories with your colleagues.
6. Taking the lift to the top floor non-stop.
7. Taking the lift to the top floor with someone who smells good.
8. Taking the lift with your colleague, at least you can have some 10-20second of quick gossip/ vent-out session.
9.Taking the lift with an attractive person. (At least it will give you some time to day dream. No dirty thoughts, please, we are still in the office, mind you)
10. Realizing that outside was raining and had stopped when you're on your way to lunch.
11. Realizing that you can claim a day off because you were working the previous Saturday.
12. When you meet with a very very nice patient/client/customer who actually told you he/she didn't mind to wait for the queue because he/she understands that we're really running like mad house.
13. When somebody told you that your name is beautiful.
14. Receiving a SMS that today's meeting is cancelled because big boss is stuck in a restroom in some shopping mall during lunch hour.
15. Found out that today's pay-day.
16. Found out that today's pay-day and the quarterly bonus has been added to the paycheck.
17. Overheard a mother saying "I Love You" to a daughter over the phone.
18. Overheard a father saying "I Love You" to a son over the phone.
( No. 17 and 18 really did happen to me and it felt nice to know how families are still loving each other in this materialistic world, it might work with father to daughter, mother to son, father to mother, and.. you get the idea.)
19. Successfully watched an entire episode of Japanese dorama/USA drama/ any type of drama from those free videos website when you are in the office.
20. When your direct line don't ring at least once in 2 hours.
21. When you to-go/take-away/ta-pau your fish and chips/ yong tofu/ chicken rice, and you realized that the uncle/auntie has given you an extra piece of the fish/fishball/chicken to your package because he/she saw how down you are (or because you smiled a little bit to him, he/she might be having a bad day too, you know).
22. When you realized that you are given a discount by the food court cashier.
23. When you hear your favorite high-school songs were played on the radio while doing a never-ending paperworks.
24. Finding out the title of the song that has been stuck in your brain for the whole day. (It works the same for the title of the book, the title of the movie, etc)
25. When your new shoes didn't burn your feet (or in my friend's word: "eat your feet skins").
26. When you realize that there's only 10 more minutes to go home.
27. When your colleague call to say "thank you" for helping him/her with his/hers project.
28. When you managed to find a really good pen to write with.
29. When your bus arrives when you just step into the bus-stop.
30. When you see that there's an empty seat in the bus/mrt during peak period.
31. When people say that you look nice in your new blazer.
32. When you successfully managed to post another blog entry during your office hour
33. When you manage to grab that bag/shoes that who have been eyeing for 3 months until it is on sale. And you manage to grab it during your lunch hour. (As my sister said it “It’s an additional lunch hour special”)
34. When your boss didn't say anything when you come back 15 minutes late from your lunch.
35. When your best friend sms you in the middle of the day just to say hi.
36. When your boss tell a funny stories about she/he making fool of her/himself.
37. When your office are cool enough for you even though you are wearing 3 layers of clothes.
38. When you receive an email from a long lost friend, marking a beginning of new contact relationship.
39. When your boss/clients/customers/patients complimented you because you did such a great job.
40. When you call to other company and the other company people is talking to you in a pleasant tone.
41. When you manage to get the jobs done by doing a great job in diplomatic manner.
42. When you realized that today is Friday and you don’t have to work on Saturday.
43. When you realized that today is Friday and you don’t have to work on Saturday and your friends ask you out for a late night movie/dinner.
44. When you realized that tomorrow is public holiday.
45. When you get a taxi on your very first hail.
46. When you are the first person on the taxi queue.
47. When you are able to print out the whole recipes for Chinese New Year’s reunion dinner using your office’s printer. Or printing out all of your party dress ideas using the office’s printer when nobody’s around.
48. When somebody say “Have a great day” and smile to you.
49. When you bring an umbrella and it rains. (^__^)
50. Realizing that today's your birthday and your whole department celebrated it with you.

Heart-breaking shoes

She was so happy to see a new email message from him. She clicked open and quickly scan through his message. He said he would be visiting her in about 2 weeks time for 1 night before flying for his business trip. She was estatic. She always missed him, apart from him being her best friend, but it had been a small little secret that she loved him. She read the message one more time, taking down the date of his arrival and quickly jotted them down on her planner.

His plane arrived a little early than the schedule. Upon arriving to the arrival hall, he saw a pay phone and decided to give her a ring before he took a taxi to his hotel. He dialled her number that he had memorized, and waited. After 3 rings, he heard the voice that he was very familiar with, "Hello..". He smiled to himself, realizing how much he actually missed her voice and said "I've arrived."

She dashed through the station and quickly hurried herself to reach the shopping mall. They had made a dinner reservation at their favorite restaurant and she knew he would be on time waiting for her there. She checked her reflection one more time in her handheld mirror before going in to the restaurant. She smiled and tried to calm her heartbeats. She was wondering, was these heart beats from the running or from the thought of meeting him. She swung her heels into the eatery and screened the seats until she saw him waving at her and smiling, his usual, charming smile, she thought she heard a "thump" from her heart and she thought her heart just stopped there.

He waved at her, and tried to smile as naturally as possible. The thoughts of meeting her after 2 years with minimum contact actually scared him a little. But her voice when he called this morning actually calmed him down. His eyes traced her movement while she was taking her seat and then moved to her eyes. She always had that wide and calming eyes. He wondered how many times had his soul be calmed down just by looking at her eyes. Then came the awkward silent, they just sat there looking at each other for couple of seconds until, she smiled, and he had forgotten how sweet her smile was, He realized that he had been staring at her for quiet sometime now, but he just couldn't help it. He loved staring at her. She had changed, much more beautiful then he ever remembered. Until her soft voice broke the silence, "So, do we keep on staring at each other the whole night?" They both laughed at themselves and conversation started to roll out of them.

Their dinner had long finished, the small piece of Tiramisu left on the plate was laying there in between them while they talked and talked. She told him about her work, he told her about his journey. But both of them tried to put off talking about relationship. Several of times, the subject was nearing to be mentioned, but she tried so hard to control her tongue. He never wanted to cross that bounderies because whoever she was seeing, he had made a promise to support her. He would be there when she needed him to be there. She always hoped for something to happen everytime they were together, something small but enough to make her knew that he liked her, even a little.

They wanted to spend more time together so they decided to just stroll along the road, the night wind was nice that night, he enjoyed every minutes he spent with her and listening to the ring of her laughters. She wished the night would never end.

He walked her to the station and he was deciding whether or not to send her home. She was sad to leave and wished he would send her. She always had this silly idea that if someone liked a girl, he would walk her to the very front of her house. Then he opened his mouth, she held her breath. "It was wonderful to be able to spend my time with you tonight. I had a great time..." He let his words hung for a moment, then he raised his hand for a handshake. She felt her heart sank, it was silly of her to even think that he liked her, even a little. It as only her dream. She looked to his eyes, and pressed her lips for a forced-smile, "Yes, you should visit often. I really missed you, and tonight was great..." she took his hands, quickly pulled back. "So, have a safe trip tomorrow. Remember to email me if you're coming to town again. Promise?" She was saying the words so fast to conceal her dissapointment. He nodded, "I will. I promise. You take care ok?" He had a feeling he felt something. But decided not to pursue any further, after all, she was his best friend.

She boarded the train, waved her goodbyes to him and both of them watched as the train doors closed the gap between them. "...I love you...goodbye" she whispered between her smiles and waves. He felt something in his heart but said to himself, "This is not love. This is loneliness." He walked backwards, still waving and smiling to her, gasturing that he would call her from the hotel tonight. As the train departed the station. He turned to leave. She watched his back walking away until the train entered the tunnel. He turned around to catch a glimpse of her, but was too late. That night, he never called. She felt somehow she knew that he wouldn't call. She fell asleep still holding to her phone.
In the hotel, he looked at the phone. Pulled up the receiver and hesitated. With a sigh he put it down again. He wasn't sure. He had never been sure about his feelings. He fell asleep while watching a cheesy romantic movie from HBO.

The next day, she went to the shoe-store and bought the highest heels she could lay her eyes on. She wore that heels around town that day, went to grocery shopping, went to do laundry. Her feet were killing her but at least they made her forgot about her breaking heart. She received an email from him that night, telling her he was safe in his destination. She closed her email without replying him, she looked at her feet, now full of bandages, she smiled a little and said "Want to forget a breaking heart? try walking in a high heels while carrying a watermelon." She decided probably tomorrow she would send her reply, or probably when the wounds from her heart or her feet had dried a little.